Songs and memories

You may have noticed a lot of musical references in the titles and blogs. I have a YouTube playlist collecting these tracks in one handy place. Some context may help to explain this collection, why I’ve picked the songs, the memories associated with it and what they mean to me. Kodachrome Ghosts – James Dean…

Shattered Memories

One of the things I have learned in writing this blog is that I can be an  unreliable narrator. The way I remember events or conversations isn’t always quite right.  Events that happened over days or months merge into a single day or the order is skewed or people are in the wrong place or…

Still Loved: Review and reflection

It seems age ago since I contributed to Still Loved, a documentary about the impact of stillbirth on a group of families.  It was one of the first accounts I found when using Twitter to search for information on stillbirth rather than just work related stuff. Seeing it played in cinemas was great even if…

Trains and reveries

Like many men of his generation, my father loved steam trains.  The smell, the noise, the smoke all of it was evocative of another time. He instilled that interest in me and shared his trains with me spending a happy afternoon hunched over a complicated track and a humming transformer lost in the joy of…

Going to your funeral (Part 2)

Two weeks have passed since my father’s funeral. It attracted some mixed reviews (“10/10 – best funeral I have ever been to”, “I thought the second eulogy could have been more concise”) but was a good way to say goodbye and have the fact of his absence made all too horribly real. These events pull…

#CaptureYourGrief: Day 17 – Sacred Space

SACRED SPACE| Do you have a special place that you visit to be with your children? A place that you feel connected to? Maybe it is their grave, or a beautiful garden, beach or forest. Maybe it is a special spot dedicated to them in your home, like a shrine or altar. What does this…

#CaptureYourGrief: Day 5 – The Unspoken

THE UNSPOKEN | Normalizing grief is so important and that I why today I am calling upon those who feel brave enough to speak about the nitty gritty side of grief. Share something about your grief journey that you might feel is strange or not common. It might be something you do to remember your children…

Raising a glass to The Glass House Girls

Long before I became a shoebox and started blogging on grief, stillbirth and parenting after loss I mainly lurked in the shadows of Twitter absorbing all it had to offer. I can’t remember why but I started to search for non-work related tweets to see what, if anything, I could find on stillbirth. By chance…